Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Wish List

We've had near on 100 submissions to Shiny so far and we've formally accepted 2, with one more possibility still being considered.

At this point, I thought I'd put out a wish list of what I am hoping to see in the slush pile. The thing about rejections is that you never really know for sure why your story was rejected (unless the editor took the time to count the ways ...) From an editor's point of view, first and foremost, I want to choose GOOD stories. And I guess *I* get to decide, when I'm choosing, as to what GOOD is. But asides from that, as an editor, I also want to put forward a balanced magazine - issues that are diverse and can appeal to a variety of readers. That means that sometimes you might have choose between GOOD stories and take something that balances what you have already chosen.

So here's a hint as to how to get a foot further in the door than the average sub for the next little while ...

Send us something fun, funny, uplifting, light and, of course, well-written.

If we accept one more uberly depressing (yet fantastically written) story, we might get in trouble for being the cause of teen angst.

But if you have really GOOD sad, depressing, heartbreaking stories ... we still want to see them!


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